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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
YATIN JOG'S +hat & circle 41
YELLOW HAT +hat 12, 35, 37
YES SIR +hat & hand 25
ZAIQA +hat 42
hat 29
ZOLO +man & hat 33
aalishan +chef's hat & spoo 35, 43
adult guard +hat & shield 16
b BLEU +hat & square 25
best western +hat 16
brilliant +hat & pen 41
chef's hat & cutlery 30
chef's hat & oval 9, 16, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 43
chef's hat & stars 3, 4, 21, 24, 30, 33
chef's hat stars & square 31
chefs hat & stars 9, 16, 25
child & hat 3, 12, 16, 18, 25, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42
child guard +hat & shield 16
cook-up a feast +chef's hat 29, 30
cooks choice +chefs hat 29
crescent hat & instrument 29, 30, 35, 39, 42
deer hat & circle 41
expert POS +chef's hat 9
face circle & hat 34
fun VIRA HOSWEARS +hat 25
g +child & hat 16
happy LICKS +hat 29
i-learnsmart +hat & circle 41
instant cook +chef's hat 11
kangaroo globe & hat 36
london BOY +hat & oval 25
m dallas MAVERICKS +hat bal 25, 28
man & hat 41, 42
man O man +hat 25
man with hat & stick 14
marc brown +chef's hat 29
master +hat 25
men's TOUCH +hat & scissors 25
mexican MANIA +hat 29
microphone teeth & hat 9, 16, 41
mr. GRS +hat & stick 30
original AMIGO ADIOS +hat 25
parents guard +hat & shield 16
pizza HUT +hat 29, 30
quality METRO +hat & stars 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 16, 21, 25
quality METRO +chef's hat 9, 30
r RICHMAN +hat 24
scholar's hat & circle 9
sheep & hat 24
shree SHYAM RAKHI +hat 26
smart +hat 19
hat 41
square & hat 16, 35
squares & hat 41
tech GURUKUL +hat 38
the food people +chef's hat 43
three circles +hat 7
touch-up +hat & face 25
u special +hat stars & oval 36, 39
v VISHAL kids wear +hat 25
world's best NACHOS +hat 29, 32
5 stars, hat, oval & ribbon 30
kh komarla hatcheries +bird 16
komarla hatcheries +bird 16
hath chhap +hand shake 34
hathautee +peacock 21, 28, 41
hathi +elephant & triangle 17
hathi brand +elephant 2
MAMA ji di hati 12
BINGO! hatke jhatke 29, 30
zara hatke BASANT sarees 24
ARISTO hatric-3 5
hats 28
PLANT MATCH +hats 35, 36
SALSA SALSAA +plant & hats 42
masalah MAFIA +hats 42
BULLE DI hatti 29, 30
DABBU di hatti +bird & oval 29
GANDI windian di hatti 14
GNADHI windina DI hatti 14
TOBAY WALI hatti 16
tare di hatti 29
LECTRA haul 12
H hauser 7
ANOKHI havan samagri 3
JOIE havan samagri 3
KALASH havan samagri +pot 3
PRIYA havan samigri +god 3
SHREE havan samagri 3
havana by ARAMIS 3
havana club 33
TODAY'S havana +oval 16
havanbatti 3
have a sip natural SIP +ova 32
have blue +oval & arcs 32
have fresh FRESHOS +circle 30
GOTTA have it 30, 32
SINGHVI'S haveli 42
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